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as per Pakistan Open Market

Saturday 27th of July 2024 11:05:37 AM - The current NOK to PKR buying exchange rate is 26.34 as per Pakistan Open Market and NOK/PKR selling exchange rate for 1 Norwegians Krone is PKR 26.34. Below you can see Norwegians Krone to PKR currency charts as per Pakistan Open Market.

Convert Norwegians Krone to PKR

Type Norwegians Krone in text box to convert in Pakistan Rupee, for detailed and historical PKR to NOK conversion please use our enhanced currency convertor tool. You can convert your desired currency easily by using our currency conversion tool.

Norwegians Krone (NOK) = 26.34 Pakistan Rupee (PKR)
as on Saturday 27th of July 2024 11:05:37 AM

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From Thu, Jun 27 2024 to Sat, Jul 27 2024

NOK to PKR Rate Chart

(Selling Rate)

Other Major Currencies in Pakistan Rupee

Currency Symbol Rate Inverse
  China Yuan CNY 0.0258 38.8
  Euro EUR 0.0033 303.95
  Japanese Yen JPY 0.5025 1.99
  Saudi Riyal SAR 0.0134 74.63
  U.A.E Dirham AED 0.0129 77.6
  UK Pound Sterling GBP 0.0028 360.5
  US Dollar USD 0.0036 280.15
Pakistan Rupee Rates
Against Norwegians Krone (NOK)
Last Day Difference 0 0%
Last Month Difference -0.34 -1.27%
Last Year Difference -1.91 -6.76%

Norwegians Krone Rates Today

Pakistan Rupee yesterday performance against NOK shows decrease in PKR 0 or 0% in value. Monthly NOK to PKR fluctuation during the last 30 days shows increase by PKR -0.34 and -1.27 in term of percentage, Yearly performance of Norwegians Krone to PKR difference shows 1 Norwegians Krone increase by PKR -1.91 and -6.76% in value. FOREX.pk also provide easy to currency conversion tool, by using currency conversion tool you can easily get converted amount in NOK to PKR or PKR to NOK, click here to use FOREX.pk currency conversion tool.

Australian Dollar to PKR | Canadian Dollar to PKR | Chinese Yuan to PKR | Euro to PKR | Hong Kong Dollar to PKR | Indian Rupee to PKR | Japanese Yen to PKR | Saudi Riyal to PKR | UAE Dirham to PKR | Pound Sterling to PKR | US Dollar to PKR